After spending a few weeks on organizing, planning, filming and then editing this short film my group and I made, I was actually happy with what we made. Everyone in the Group (myself, Ishaan, Francisco, Aidan) seemed to care what kind of product we were putting out. Everyone pulled their weight in this film and contributed enough. The origin of this idea started when Fransisco suggested that we do a crime film are we could not decide originally on the genre. From that point, I came up with the foundational idea about a framed murder that detectives needed to figure out. From that point much of the idea and stylistic choices were made somewhat on the fly. We wanted to make this as organically as possible because we all felt that is where the best movies come from.
On the day we did most of our filming, we shot right on campus in the Basement of Wentz Science Center. Found some great rooms to film our two main settings (Murder site, and Detective Room). Those shots went by really fast but the shot that took the longest was our "Fight/Murder" scene. We did several takes when Francisco hits Ishaan because either the shot wasn't right, somebody was laughing, or we couldn't get the right sound of the slap. What's funny is that we didn't even use the sound from that shot so all that work was for nothing. My favorite part of the filmmaking progress was when "the chase" after Fransisco happened and he ran into the elevator. We had to perfectly time that filming and hope no one was using the elevator as well. One last remark....I was shocked when Dr. Kyburz said I was a great actor LOL. I felt like I didn't do much to be as impressive as much she thought I was. If you want to watch this awesome movie Click below.
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