This action packed movie directed Michael Mann, surely lived up to its name. Filled with household actors with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Val Kilmer did everything asked in a action, violent film. LT. Vincent Hanna, trying to catch Neil Mcculley's crew after completing high stakes bank robberies. It felt like Pacino and De Niro were accustomed to these roles from that start, since this is their preferred genre of acting. To me since they played similar characters throughout the years it made it kind of bland, not saying their acting was bad but it was so familiar. It consisted lots of over the shoulder shots, wide shots (to see the whole setting) and close up on characters eyes. One of my favorite scenes was the shootout in the city, it was pretty gory. I thought it was funny when Pacino was trying to shoot De Niro with a shotgun in the middle of the Grocery store, it just seemed so unrealistic but I enjoyed it. Understandably, this film is a strong action film filled with drama and intensity, I just wished I saw some variation of acting from De Niro and Pacino.
One of the most bizarre movie scenes in my opinion. The LAPD shooting the crew in the middle of Downtown L.A and surprisingly no one got hurt. I actually chuckled when Pacinos character was just all out firing an AK47 in the middle of Grocery Parking lot.
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